
Baldur's Gate

All of the spooks just kinda moan and mumble and stuff, like they're not really listening.

I have heard that diseases of the mind are even more contagious than those of the flesh.

I have been a rural merchant all my life and am thereby no stranger to poultry of any shade or color...

There be a fiendish hen to the east.

Someone-Encumbered: Slowed

Please, I beg of you to go no further! Brage is there, strewn about with the carnage he has wrought.

It was all I could do to flee the swing of his tremendous blade.

Save him from his present agony if there be a way to do so.

I pray you left a trail of crumbs to lead us all back again.

I pose to you a riddle, the answer to which I once knew.

What hath I wrought!?

I fear I can do nothing for those I've wronged whether I live or die, and I still know not what led me to this.

It's like a foul presence in my mind!

I can only imagine that I have finally succumbed to battle fatigue.

Do not disgrace me further in front of Helm!

Justice will be done, but with atonement, not punishment.

If you are returned to the garrison, yours will be the only willful killing that has occurred about this matter.

It would be a waste of your life which, fractured though it is, can still contribute much.

As for our intrepid friends here, I shall exceed the reward offered by Oublek.

The Vigilant One stands ready to mend thy ailments, and so divert the unyielding gaze of the Great Guide...

Iron will slowly filter back to the coast now, though transporting it is still a treacherous business.

It's hard enough getting the hang of this fish-wrangling business without you scaring them all away.

Come to test your mettle against the denizens of the waters have you?

How shall I put this, a touch loony.

Your demeanor practically makes me ill.

Yeesh, quite the stoic bunch of prudes, aren't you?

If she's not out tonight we'll lose'er to the bandito scum!

I don't want to have to sic the boys on you!

Stay your wrath, we are just passing through and mean you no harm!

You look to be nothing more than rabble tomb robbers!

Looks to be glorified graverobbing in nothing but a decrepit tomb.

Your very presence would probably dissuade anyone from attacking us, though I do not know the force behind our misfortune.

We could find any number of relics within.

Step aside a moment and have a little chat away from prying ears?

It would be a veritable slaughter, and I want no part of it.

I will find other means to acquire a fair measure of profit from this fiasco!

It's sure to be the shaman's abode!

The name of a god of pandemonium.

The artifact that lies within this stone sarcophagus must be what has caused all of this bloodshed.

●pack up:立ち去る
Everyone pack up! We are leaving this accursed place!

Speak common, your abomination! I cannot fathom your words!

Speak your gibberish as you will.

From what I could decipher in the ancient writings, the the final room contains "the plate that provides bounty, leading food unto god."

It is sketchy description that you offer.

I should think that different deities would require different "bounty" to be delivered.

I care not whether the primitives who lived here worshipped chickens and the plate produces fodder!

Its former enchantments may not even work, but it will still command an exorbitant price from a historian or collector.

Excellent, but just you make sure you do not attack them until AFTER they have breached the inner sanctum.

What good are your musings if they do not have practical use?

What intrigues lay beyond our borders?

Nope, we're not falling for that lady in distress crap.

I know where the pirate Black Alaric dumped his greatest trove of treasure.

The reason I need so many heroic men, is that that the caverns where I wish to go are guarded by some sort of creature.

From what my map showed, the pirate cove is located somewhere along the coast, just south of Candlekeep.

Stained with magic and the effort of hefting a weapon.

I have no use for your rambling incantaions.

I see no harm in a little divination on your part.

●take to the road:放浪する、旅に出る
I assume that you have just recently taken to the road?

You were quite the little hellion.

Please, just turn them back and I can coax him down.

You peer inside and see only rotting beams and debris.

She'll butcher the livestock and she'll seduce the young men, make them her puppets.

Now leave me, or I'll smite you as well.

Are you some sort of inbred hedge wizard?

●have it with:別れを告げる
We've had it with your theatrics.

Obviously you're nothing but a fake, a fraud, a huckster!

You will pay for your insolence!

I believe I have developed a spell to empathically control any gelatinous creature and bend it to you will.

Slimes, jellies, oozes, all of these things that foul the cook's cellar and the adventurer's dungeon can now be controlled and eradicated with an ease and efficacy never before seen in the history of the Realms.

Relax, you simpering fool.

I disturbed its lonely slumber with my foolishness!

A fine time, despite the recent shenanigans involving the mine and those pesky bandits as well.

I do know that Volothamp Geddarm is staying at the tavern in Nashkel.

Unfortunately I paid thrice the price for my iron wares, and not a piece is salable!

Mayhaps the guard will take more notice when old swords wear and the new snap like twigs in autumn.

To you I offer them at the bargain price of 50 gold apiece, as restitution for my depleted selection.

Evils such as avarice, greed, lust, perversity, and most especially magic!

What you speak of is intriguing, but we just don't have the time or inclination.

It was not always so serene in these parts though, as you can no doubt discern from the ruins about us all.

I've tales though: tales of heroes and villains that have come and gone amidst these stones since that prosperous time.

A piece of tripe the likes of which I shall be grateful never to hear again!

A rousing tale! Please, take this 10 gold that I might finance your further travels.

I hope you enjoy the artwork my pretty lizards have sculpted.

Is it just me, or is the world filled with wackos.

Well, I need a gruff hand for this task, so keep your "please and thank you" garbager for the nobles.

It's true! They sent me to end your villainous deeds!

The seas cry for vengeance!

Why would you be afraid of bandit excursions?

Now hey all misuse a gift from Umberlee to pillage the seas, and my mothers spirit can't rest until it is returned.

So you see, we are all pawns within the "friendly" rivalries of the gods.

The deal is this: I've been hired out by the mayor of Beregost to hunt down a great winged dragon that's been plaguing the caravan routes.

These ruffians have been threatening my companions and I with bodily harm.

Let me explain my predicament.

After a few more days of hunting the crass woodmen lost all pretense of humanity and murdered Elban.

It is now to you that I speak: these men have most likely duped you into protecting their sorry hides.

They have most likely not told of the druid they have slain in cold blood.

He and I went into the Cloakwood to clear the woods of the spider colony that infests it.

Send those spiders to their deaths, there aren't any arachnophobes here.

How have you come to dewll here, in this dreary abode?

I was ambushed by a dozen gnolls farther back on the trail.

Sure, give us some booze.

●likely story:ありそうな話
●bugger off:立ち去る
Likely story, and we defeated fifty Tarrasques a day ago. Bugger off.

Just a humble woodsman doing a little spelunking.

These creatures are docile and ...and it is worth the risk.

Why...um...subterranean trees can yield the best material for carving.. ahhh... ornamental... things.

I cast aside my master woodsman facade.

I have worked long and hard to gain their trust, but if I they are to be ready for duty at the mine I shall have to placate these beasts with meat!



ARCANUM:Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura

If one sits before different pulpits one is bound to hear different, and conflicting, tales of that Creation.

None of these fables sort well with what we are daily learning by our study of fossils and our observation of the natural world.

A diligent application of the valuable data gleaned by other scientific researchers

Men of Faith and men of Science alike will howl for my blood, condemning me as a heretic.

Practitioners of the Mystic Arts will call me a dabbler and dismiss my theories with the same carelessness with which they treat all the products of Natural Philosophy.

In this treatise I will deal chiefly with what evidence the conjoined Sciences of Paleontology, Ethnology and modern Biology have been able to discover.

Minute peoples tend to have heads which are larger in proportion to the torso and limbs than one would see in a human subject.